Friday, April 13, 2012



In the midst of my academic sprint towards graduation I have recently gotten hooked to American Idol.  After so many years of watching not one episode ( except for youtube clips of William Hung’s “She Bangs” performance )  of this show I find myself drawn to it by one of their contestants.   Her name is Jessica Sanchez.

Now, this story didn’t begin yesterday.  It actually begin a few years ago when I saw a youtube video of a little girl ( not more than 8 years old ) that sang masterfully, unlike any other person that I’ve seen.  She was singing Celine Dion’s “ I surrender” song like a complete pro.   Seriously, her performance gave me chills.  It was THAT good.  This is the youtube link to her performance:

She also has a youtube page where she posts videos of her singing covers to different songs.  This is the link to it

Okay!  So back to the point!  Recently,  I found out that this girl is an American Idol contestant.  She is an incredible singer and I immediately thought that well she had this “in the bag”.  What I forgot about is the fact that “America” gets to vote for their favorite singer.  Despite this I still thought that Jessica would still have it “ in the bag”.  To my surprise, she actually had to recently be saved by the judges.  WHAT!?  Why?!   This is why I will from now and forever on vote for Jessica.  She really deserves it. 

Please Vote for her as well!  Check some of youtube videos if you’re on the fence about voting for her.  Or catch her on American Idol next week.  She’s just so talented… It would definitely be sad if she doesn’t win this competition. 


She SINGS and doesn’t please America

Judges discuss it and….

She’s saved! 

If you missed it… This is also a condensed version of what happened in the latest American Idol Episode.   Jessica gets saved by the judges

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