The Graduate Student Center is the “hang out” spot for graduate and professional students. Its exact location is: 3615 Locust Walk. I got to say that we are very lucky here at Penn. A lot of Universities don’t give their graduate students their own space. Our little building is what I call the “little building that could”. It’s small, cozy, offers free coffee/tea, sells quick snacks, and is a monster at organizing events for graduate students.
Just yesterday we had “Grad Fest” where all of the graduate student organizations set tables and recruited new members. Food and a free t-shirt were provided. The center is organizing another event that a lot of my classmates will attend tomorrow. It also offers different workshops for Graduate Assistant tasks like: paper reading and correcting. But I want to focus on the Moshulu party from last week!
The Moshulu Restaurant is basically a “ship-restaurant”. The party was at the deck of the ship. There was a DJ, drinks and an incredible panorama of the city. We got there around 10:30pm and left a little before 12. Here are some pictures of the boat.